50 Hot Key Points to blast Jamb CRK

We bring you a new series on some Key Points to blast CRK in Jamb, Waec and Post utme. These hot key points to blast Physics will help achieve the following:

  • prepare for your Jamb, Waec and Post Utme examinations
  • keep you updated on key points and likely questions that can be asked in these examinations
  • help you cover up more grounds in your reading.

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50 Hot Key Points to blast Jamb CRK

Key Points on Jamb C.R.K hot topics (1 to 10)

    1. The sudden death of Ananias and Sapphira in the early church made great fear to come upon all the church and upon all who heard these things..
    2. Paul and Barnabas were sent out on the first missionary work from Antioch to Seleucia by the Holy Spirit.
    3. After healing a man who was born blind, Jesus said: “I must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day: the night comes when no one can work”.
    4. “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him” immediately after Mary Magdalene made this statement peter and the other disciple went towards the tomb.
    5. “…for if this plan or this undertaken is of men, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them…” Gamaliel’s statement above refers to Peter and the Apostles. .
    6. Jesus declared that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.
    7. “…this Jesus God rose up, and of that we all are witnesses…” The statement above was made by Peter on the occasion of His sermon on the day of Pentecost.
    8. According to John, he who does not believe in the only son of God is condemned already.
    9. “…are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” The things referred to in the statement above are one of the words of Cleopas communicating the arrest, trials, and judgment of Jesus who was actually talking with them in Spirit form. .
    10. According to Paul, just as the law came to increase the trespass, so sin came to increase grace..

Key Points on Jamb C.R.K hot topics (11 to 20)

    1. According to Peter, Christians who suffer according to the will of God will receive the blessing. Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in doing good as to a faithful creator.
    2. Paul declares that Christians have the same functions, but they gave a gift that differs according to the grace given to us
    3. “And let steadfastness have its full effects” here, James said that the outcome of this statement will be perfection and completion
    4. “have this in mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus …” This mind in Paul’s statement above means a mind of Holiness. Let each of cyou look out not only for his interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who is in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.
    5. Peter teaches that servants should be submissive to their masters with all respect, not only to the kind and gentle but also to the wicked, harsh and cruel. In the bible, servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle but also to the harsh
    6. In Romans, Christians are admonished to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and not to make provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof
    7. Paul teaches that those who have been baptized into Christ have been baptized into his death
    8. On the third day of their capture of the Ark of God, the Philistine discovered that Dagon their god had fallen and broken to pieces
    9. One of the sins of Manasseh for which the Lord send bands of the Chaldeans, Syrians, Moabites and Ammonites to destroy Judah was the shedding of innocent blood
    10.  Surely at the commandment of the Lord this came upon Judah, to remove them from his sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done and also because of the innocent blood that he had shed. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, which the Lord would not pardon

Key Points to blast CRK in Jamb (21-30)

    1. Elijah decreed that there would be neither rain nor dew for three years because Ahab had forsaken the commandment of God by erecting an altar for Baal.
    2. God called Jonah and send him to the people of Nineveh to cry against their wickedness.
    3. Consequent upon the murder of Naboth by Ahab and Jezebel, God declared that Dog would lick Ahab’s blood where they had licked Naboth’s.
    4. According to Amos, God decided to raise up a nation that would fight and oppress Israel because the People claimed to achieve fame by their own strength.
    5. What did King Josiah do to the altar that was erected by Jeroboam at bethel? The answer is not far fetched from the bible 2 kings 23:15 since Josiah broke the stones of the altars into pieces.
    6. Moreover, the altar that was at Bethel, and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel sin, had made both that altar the high place and crushed it to powder, and burned the wooden image.
    7. “…before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you: I appointed you a prophet to the nations…” This statement above was made by God during the consecration of the prophet Isaiah.
    8. “…before I formed you in the womb i knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations… This statement above was made by God during the consecration of the prophet Isaiah.
    9. According to Jeremiah, other nations would find glory in God and bless themselves in him only when Israel swears in truth, in justice, and in uprightness.
    10. Hosea proclaimed that Israel should return to God and plead that he should take away their iniquity.

Likely Jamb C.R.K questions to note(31-40)

    1. In the bible, Hosea proclaimed: “O Israel return to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity”.
    2. The responses of Eli after Samuel had told him the Lord’s message as regards his son’s acts of blasphemy were that God is the Lord and he should do what pleases him.
    3. Rehab’s reward for hiding the messengers sent by Joshua to spy out the city of Jericho was that she and her husband were spared.
    4. David’s victory over the Amalekites who raided Ziklag was due to his prayer in seeking the approval of God before pursuing them.
    5. “….it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him a helper fit for him..” After this statement above, the first thing God did was to cause a deep sleep to fall upon man. .
    6. Joseph Brothers decided not to kill him because he was their brother and their flesh.
    7. King Saul ordered that those who had opposed his ascent to the throne should not be put to death because the Lord has wroth deliverance (accomplished salvation) in Israel.
    8. After Saul realized that God would have nothing to do with him, he sought the help of a medium.
    9. The lord said to Moses that the people should gather just a day’s portion of bread so that he might test their obedience.
    10. The Israelites were asked to be consecrated and have their garments washed before meeting with God on Mount Sinai.

Key Points to blast CRK in Jamb(41-50)

  1. “…to you i will give all this authority and their glory; for it has been delivered to me, and I will…” this statement was made during the ascension of Jesus.
  2. “…just so, I tell you there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents…” Jesus made this statement after telling the parable of the lost coin.
  3. After the great confession by peter, Jesus charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.
  4. The Angel of the Lord told Zachariah that his son would turn many of the sons and daughters of Israel to God.
  5. When they returned from their mission, the seventy reported that even demons were subjected to them.
  6. “take heart, it is I; have no fear.” This statement was made by Jesus when he was walking on the sea in the night.
  7. “….blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is coming…” the declaration was made by the crowd during the triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
  8. After healing the man at the pool of Bethesda, the Jews sought all the more to kill Jesus because he healed on the Sabbath.
  9. According to the Corinthians, the same spirit gives varieties of gifts while the same Lord gives varieties of service.
  10. In his letter to Philemon, Paul described Onesimus as his brother.


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