Transport Fare from Imo to Lagos | Price of Owerri to Lagos by Bus or Air GIG, Peace Mass

Travelling from Imo to Lagos can be a very fun and interesting experience. Travelling from Imo to Lagos is exactly 8 hours 15minutes by bus and 1 hour 30 minutes by Air. It is important to also know the price and transport fare for various transport companies and airlines from Imo to Lagos.

There are also various transport companies who travel from Imo, Owerri to Lagos like God is Good Motors, Peace Mass Transit, Faith Motors, GUO Motors, e.t.c.

Transport Fare from Imo to Lagos

Transport Fare from Imo to Lagos by Bus | Price of Owerri to Lagos

The general transport fare from Imo to Lagos by bus is ₦7,000 –  ₦9,000. Different bus stations may charge differently. This is the breakdown below.

  • God is Good Motor charges  ₦8,900
  • Peace Mass Transit charges  ₦8,050
  • GUO Transport charges  ₦9,000
  • Faith Motors charges  ₦7,500
  • Chisco Motors charges  ₦8,000
  • Libra Motors charges ₦8,000

Transport Fare from Imo to Lagos by Air

The general Transport Fare from Imo to Lagos by Air is ₦26,000 and the journey is 1hour 10minutes. You can use Air Peace, Dana Airlines to accomplish this trip.

Cheapest Way to Travel from Owerri to Lagos

The Cheapest Way to Travel from Imo to Lagos is by Bus but it takes about 8 hours and costs roughly ₦26,000

Driving from Imo to Lagos

The distance from Imo to Lagos is 537km. So, driving from Imo to Lagos will take you about 8hours

Hotels to Stay in Lagos

  • Aerol Hotel
  • DBI Guest House
  • 44 Lodge and Suites
  • Zaaz hotel
  • Hard rock hotel and suites
  • Sweet Savor Hotel
  • Adna Hotel
  • Oga 813 Hotel e.t.c

Transport Fare from Imo to Lagos

Things to Note When Travelling to Lagos

1. Travel with a companion:

Venturing out on your own can be fun and adventurous but try as much as possible to go out with a city guide that knows the ins and outs of Lagos and can get you from one point to another safely. Trust is very important when dealing with Lagosians. Ask other travellers to refer you to a trusted guide. If you are unable to find one, travel in pairs and do not go out alone at night.

2. Dress Modestly:

How you dress determines how people respond to you when you ask for directions or while shopping at a store. If you overdress, you risk giving off the wrong impression and drawing unwanted attention to yourself. If you dress too scantily you risk breaking the local customs. Do dress to kill but don’t dress immodestly.

3. Be careful with what you Eat:

es it looks tasty, and yes you want to eat it, but wait a minute. Food in Lagos is lovely, spicy and exotic but some of the food is made under questionable conditions. Be picky and only eat food cooked at restaurants where you can trust the water used and the hygiene of the chefs. Ask about how the food was made but don’t be nosey, if you don’t like the food, just walk away.

4. Avoid giving money to strangers:

Lagosians are opportunists who never fail to seize a chance to make a quick buck. You can use this to your advantage and tip locals for helping you but don’t give money to strangers. Some might come calling to you to buy something you don’t need or insist that you pay for a free service. Be vigilant. Count your money before you leave home and account for every purchase when you return.

5. Don’t board any unknown vehicle

It is very important to have a contact person as you explore the city of Lagos. If for one reason or the other you cannot secure a private vehicle and driver, ask your contact person to provide you with a trusted pick-up. At desperate times, do not board unknown vehicles that promise to get you to your destination, instead use an online service to book a taxi.

6. Ask for Directions Twice:

Finding your way around Lagos can be difficult for a newbie or Johnny Just Come especially in secluded places with unidentified streets. While travelling in Lagos, make sure to ask for directions from more than one person but don’t ask people who do not look responsible or you might risk being misled.


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God is Good Motors Latest Price List, Location and Contact Information

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