Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU Cut Off Points 2023/2024
The Islamic University in Uganda, releases the IUIU cut off points and admission requirements every academic session. These are needed to be accepted into the university.
The Islamic University in Uganda is one of the leading universities in Uganda, offering a wide range of courses to students. The cut off points for each course vary depending on several parameters. These include demand, the number of applicants, and the capacity of the university.
A Cut Off Point is a benchmark in which a student must meet in his/her PUJAB Examination so as to be considered for direct admission. This consideration is done by the management of the institution he/she wishes to attend.
There are steps to follow before being admitted to study in any of the courses in IUIU. One of these which include meeting the required cut-off points for each faculty as well as the courses itself. It is very easy to obtain admission if one meets the required cut off mark set.
Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU Cut Off Points 2023/2024
Presently, there are three avenues of entry to the University i.e. The Direct Entry Scheme, The Diploma Holders Entry Scheme, and the Mature Age Entry Scheme. These guidelines are in line with National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).
The management of Islamic University in Ugand has not released the official cut off points for 2023/2024 but in the mean time, it is advisable to know the admission requirements and school fees structure at the university while we wait for this information for the management.
This page will be updated once the cut off points is out online.
You can also check out IUIU Courses and Fees Structure to get the specific requirement of the course of interest. Also check how to apply.
For ease of the application process, you can download the mobile app on your mobile phones.