University of Rwanda Application Form 2023/2024

The University of Rwanda has released the admission application form for all new local and foreign applicants interested in UR 2023/2024. The application form is available online and we will show you details on how to apply appropriately, and the application deadline details.

University of Rwanda Courses and Fees

University of Rwanda is a public university that offers a wide range of academic programs to students from Rwanda and beyond. The university is committed to providing quality education and ensuring that students have a smooth application process

How to apply for University of Rwanda Application Form

1. Student must have completed A-Level (Senior six)

2. Go to UR website and click on Admissions section at the main menu bar,

3. Click on “Student Portal”,

4. Login to “New Application” on the left side of the page to create student account,

5. Complete personal information & generate reference number and pin. Please record your student number and PIN before taking any further steps.

A non-refundable application fee of 5,000 Rwf for Local and EAC citizens and 6,000 RWF for International applicants must be paid in the following UR bank account in Bank of Kigali (BK):

UR-INTERNAL REVENUES 00094-0637830-21 Bank of Kigali

6. Payment can either be done through the Bank or through MTN Mobile Money.

7. Go to the nearest Branch of Bank of Kigali (BK) with your reference and inform the teller that you want to pay fees via Urubuto University interface. Please do not pay through BK Agents.

8. After payment of the applications fees, continue the application process after 10 minutes

9. Login through Registered Users on the Right side of the Student Portal Page by inserting your student number or reference number and PIN

University of Kigali Courses and Fees

University of Rwanda Courses and Fees | Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Application guidelines for Foreign Students

  • Before applying, obtain an equivalence of your certificates from Rwanda Education Board (REB) for general secondary education or Workforce Development Authority (WDA) for vocation training and Higher Education Council for Tertiary Education Qualifications.
  • Go to UR website under Admissions section at the main menu bar,
  • Log in to student/staff portal,
  • Complete Personal information & generate reference number and pin.
  • Pay application fee to any of the UR Bank accounts mentioned above, using the reference number generated from the system. You are allowed to submit your application after payment.  PLEASE DO NOT PAY APPLICATION FEE THROUGH BK AGENTS
  • Fill a special online application form available on admission website on the following link  or click on the Application form under quick links from The form shall be submitted together with the following documents;
  1. Certified copy of your Senior Six (S6) certificate and transcripts of your last year of Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education,
  2. Copy of your National ID card or valid passport
  3. Certified copy of the equivalence with the Rwandan system ( only for applicants with foreign qualifications)

After filling in all the required information, applicants are required to submit the application form online. The university then processes the applications and communicates with the applicants on the progress of their application. Successful applicants are then given admission letters and further instructions on the next steps to take.

University of Rwanda Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee of 5,000 Rwf for Local and EAC citizens and 6,000 RWF for International applicants must be paid in the following UR bank account in Bank of Kigali (BK):

UR-INTERNAL REVENUES 00094-0637830-21 Bank of Kigali


University of Rwanda Application Deadline

The application starts from Tuesday 9th June and ends on Friday 31 st July 2022.

One Comment

  1. I am Somali student and I live in Somalia and I have bachuler degree of History and Geography.

    I am asking you to allow me in the university of Ruwanda department of languages, especially in English, so that I can study well and get a bachuler degree or diploma.

    I hope my request will be accepted.

    Kind regards.
    Omar Isak.

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