FULOKOJA Notice: Convocation Fees, Gown Collection & More


Graduands from Federal University, Lokoja, the momentous occasion draws near! How can one ensure their name appears correctly on the graduation list? What are the obligatory fees for the convocation? When and where should the convocation gown be collected? And what’s the dress code for this significant ceremony? This comprehensive guide answers these pressing questions and more.

FULOKOJA Notice to Graduating Students

Navigating the essential processes of graduation can be daunting. This comprehensive guide intends to streamline the process for the graduands of Federal University, Lokoja (FULOKOJA) for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic sessions.

Graduation List 📜 Check names & graduation status on fulokoja.edu.ng
Convocation Fees 💰 Undergraduate: N12,000.00; Postgraduate: Total – N30,000.00
Gown Collection 🎓 From Monday, October 16th, 2023, in respective Faculties. Limited availability
Lost Gown Fee ⚠️ Undergraduates: N25,000.00; Postgraduates: N35,000.00
Rehearsal 🚶‍♂️ 3.00pm, October 18, 2023, Convocation Arena, Mini Stadium Felele
Dress Code 👔 Formal English wear or full traditional attire
Return of Hired Gown ⏰ By October 24, 2023. Late return attracts N500.00 fine per day
Payment Start Date 📆 From Monday, October 9, 2023
Payment Method 💻 Log into individual portal and generate RRR for payment

1. Confirm Your Graduation Status

Graduands should commence by verifying their graduation status. The University has availed a list of graduands on its official website, fulokoja.edu.ng. It’s paramount to ensure that your name correctly appears on this list.

2. Understand the Convocation Fees

Regardless of your attendance at the convocation ceremony, there are obligatory fees to be settled:

For Undergraduate Students:

  • Fee: N12,000.00

For Postgraduate Students:

  • Hiring of Academic Gown: N5,000.00
  • Order of Proceedings: N5,000.00
  • Certificate: N15,000.00
  • Alumni Association Fee: N5,000.00
  • Total: N30,000.00

3. Collection of Convocation Gowns

Beginning on Monday, October 16th, 2023, graduands can collect their convocation gowns from their respective faculties. Ensure you present evidence of the appropriate charges’ payment upon collection. Furthermore, note that these academic gowns are available in limited quantities, adhering to a first-come, first-served policy. On the day of the convocation, certificates will be distributed at the individual faculties and the Postgraduate School, contingent upon the return of these gowns.

4. Caution for Lost Gowns

Should there be any unfortunate incident resulting in the loss of an academic gown, the ensuing charges for replacement are:

  • For First-Degree Graduates: N25,000.00
  • For Postgraduates: N35,000.00

This fee will need to be settled prior to the release of the graduation certificate.

5. Rehearsal for the Academic Procession

To ensure a seamless ceremony, graduands must partake in a rehearsal for the academic procession. This will be held at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at the Convocation Arena, Mini Stadium Felele, immediately succeeding the Research Fair.

6. Convocation Day Etiquette

It’s non-negotiable for attending graduands to partake in the academic procession and don the approved academic attire for the convocation ceremony.

7. Dress Code Protocol

Graduands should present themselves in a refined manner:

  • Men: Suit, shirt, and tie.
  • Women: Skirt and blouse, gown, or a dignified traditional attire.

8. Return of Hired Gowns

Ensure the timely return of borrowed academic gowns to the respective Faculty Officers. The deadline for this return is Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Any delay beyond this date incurs a penalty of N500.00 for each subsequent day.

9. Commencement of Payments

Payment procedures for the aforementioned convocation materials initiate from Monday, October 9, 2023.

10. Payment Procedures

Graduands should efficiently navigate to their individual portal and generate an RRR for the remittance of the convocation fee.

In conclusion, this guide hopes to ease the transition for the proud graduands of Federal University, Lokoja (FULOKOJA). Remember, preparation is key to ensure a memorable convocation ceremony.

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