Makerere University Essential Subject Combination 2023/2024
For many students, it is often difficult to determine what the essential subjects are needed to be combined for courses at Makerere University. It is very important you ,make the right subject combinations to avoid losing your admission. I will show you the Makerere University Essential Subject Combination for 2023/2024.
Choosing the right combination of subjects for university study is critical to the success of any student. This is particularly true for students planning to study at Makerere University in Uganda
Makerere University Essential Subject Combination 2023/2024
For different courses at Makerere University, here are the essential subject combinations you need to be aware of to ensure that you are on the right path for your Makerere Admissions. View the PDF below.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Makerere University Essential Subject”]
How to Calculate Weighting System at Makerere University Cut off Points
Makerere University Cut Off Points 2023/2024 | Private and Government Students Uganda
Full list of Courses Offered at Makerere University
1. College Of Agricultural And Environmental Sciences (CAES)
Day Programmes
- AGR – Bachelor of Science In Agriculture (4 Years)
- FST – Bachelor of Science In Food Science And Technology (4 Years)
- AGE – Bachelor of Science In Agricultural Engineering (4 Years)
- BAR – Bachelor of Agricultural And Rural Innovation (3 Years)
- BAM – Bachelor of Science In Agricultural Land Use And Management (3 Years)
- HOT – Bachelor of Science In Horticulture
- AGM – Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
- HUN – Bachelor of Science In Human Nutrition
- BVS – Bachelor of Environmental Science
- BMT – Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
- BOF – Bachelor of Science in Forestry (4 Years)
- BTH – Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Hospitality Management (3 Years)
- BGS – Bachelor of Geographical Sciences (3 Years)
2. College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS)
Day Programmes
- ECO – Bachelor of Arts In Economics
- DEC – Bachelor of Arts In Development Economics
- COE – Bachelor of Commerce (With options: Accounting, Finance & Banking, Marketing and Insurance)
- ADM – Bachelor of Business Administration (With options: Procurement, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management and International Business)
- STA – Bachelor of Statistics
- BQE – Bachelor of Science In Quantitative Economics
- BPS – Bachelor of Science In Population Studies
- BBS – Bachelor of Science In Business Statistics
- SAS – Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
Evening Programmes
- ECE – Bachelor of Arts In Economics
- DEE – Bachelor of Arts In Development Economics
- CEO – Bachelor of Commerce (With options: Accounting, Finance & Banking, Marketing and Insurance)
- ADN – Bachelor of Business Administration (With options: Procurement, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management and International Business)
3. College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS)
Day Programmes
- CSC – Bachelor of Science In Computer Science
- BSW – Bachelor of Science In Software Engineering
- LIS – Bachelor of Library and Information Science
- BRA – Bachelor of Records and Archives Management
- IST Bachelor of Information Systems and Technology
Evening Programmes
- CSE – Bachelor of Science In Computer Science
- SSE – Bachelor of Science In Software Engineering
- BLE – Bachelor of Library And Information Science
- BRE – Bachelor of Records And Archives Management
- BSI Bachelor of Information Systems and Technology
4. College Of Education And External Studies (CEES)
Day Programmes
- EDA – Bachelor of Arts With Education
- – Bachelor of Science With Education
- EDP -Physical
- EDB – Biological
- EEC – Economics
- BAC – Bachelor Of Adult And Community Education
External Programmes
- COX – Bachelor of Commerce
- SCX – Bachelor of Science
- BED – Bachelor of Education (For Practising Diploma Holders Only)
- BAX – Bachelor of Agricultural And Rural Innovation
- BYW – Bachelor of Youth Development Work
Others – (For practising Diploma Holders in a health related field) tenable at Mualago Health Tutors College, degree awarded by Makerere University)
- EDM – Bachelor of Medical Education
- CLI – Higher Diploma for Clinical Instruction
NB: Application forms for EDM and CLI should be picked from Health Tutors’ College, Mulago.
5. College Of Engineering, Design, Art And Technology (CEDAT)
Day Programmes
- CIV – Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering
- ELE – Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering
- MEC – Bachelor of Science In Mechanical Engineering
- LSG – Bachelor of Science In Land Surveying and Geomatics
- ARC – Bachelor of Architecture
- SQS – Bachelor of Science In Quantity Surveying
- SLE – Bachelor of Science In Land Economics
- SCM – Bachelor of Science In Construction Management
- STE – Bachelor of Science In Telecommunications Engineering
- CMP – Bachelor of Science In Computer Engineering
- FIN – Bachelor of Industrial And Fine Arts
- BUP -Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
Parallel Programmes (Classes Are Conducted Both During The Day And In The Afternoon)
- CIA – Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering
- ELA – Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering
- MEA – Bachelor of Science In Mechanical Engineering
- LSE – Bachelor of Science In Land Surveying and Geomatics
- ARA – Bachelor of Architecture
- SQA – Bachelor of Science In Quantity Surveying
- SLA – Bachelor of Science In Land Economics
- SCA – Bachelor of Science In Construction Management
- CME – Bachelor of Science In Computer Engineering
- STM – Bachelor of Science In Telecommunications Engineering
6. College of Health Sciences (CHS)
- PHA – Bachelor of Pharmacy (4 Years)
- MAM – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (5 Years)
- BDS – Bachelor of Dental Surgery (5 Years)
- NUR – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (4 Years)
- BMR – Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography (4 Years)
- BEH – Bachelor of Environmental Health Science (3 Years)
- BSL – Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy (3 Years)
- BSB – Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences (3 Years)
- BBI – Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (4 Years)
- BYT – Bachelor of Cytotechnology (3 Years)
- BPT – Bachelor of Optometry (4 Years)
- BDT – Bachelor of Science in Dental Laboratory Technology (3 Years)
7. College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS)
Day Programmes
- SOC – Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (3 Years)
- ASS – Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (3 Years)
- BJC – Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (4 Years)
- ARS – Bachelor of Arts (Arts) (3 Years)
- DVS – Bachelor of Development Studies (3 Years)
- MUS -Bachelor of Arts in Music (3 Years)
- BDF – Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Film (3 Years)
- BCO – Bachelor of Community Psychology (3 Years)
- BIP – Bachelor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology (3 Years)
- DPA – Diploma in Performing Arts (2 Years)
Evening Programme
- ASE -Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (3 Years)
- BJE -Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (4 Years)
- DVE -Bachelor of Development Studies (3 Years)
- BEP -Bachelor of Community Psychology (3 Years)
- BOP -Bachelor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology (3 Years)
8.College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS)
(a) Day Programmes
- BIC -Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry (3 Years )
- BFS -Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture (3 Years)
- BSP -Bachelor of Sports Science (3 Years )
- SCB -Bachelor of Science – BIOLOGICAL (3 Years )
- SCP -Bachelor of Science – PHYSICAL (3 Years )
- SEC -Bachelor of Science – ECONOMICS (3 Years )
- BPG -Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience & Production (4 Years)
- BCB -Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology (3 Years )
- BBT -Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (3 Years)
9. College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB)
Day Programmes
- VET – Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (5 Years)
- WHM – Bachelor of Science In Wildlife Health and Management (3 Years)
- MLT – Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (3 Years)
- BAP – Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management (3 Years)
Evening Programmes
- BLT -Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (3 Years)
(c) AFRISA – SPEDA – Diploma Programmes awarded by College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB)
- BLB – Bachelor of Industrial Livestock and Business (3 Years) (with options for specialization in Year Two):
(i) Dairy Industry & Business
(ii) Poultry Industry & Business
(iii) Feed Industry & Business
(iv) Leather Industry & Business
(v) Commercial Insects & Wildlife Industry
(vi) Ranching & Meat Industry
10. School of Law (SoL)
Day Programme
LAW – Bachelor of Laws (4 Years)
Evening Programme
LAE – Bachelor of Laws (4 Years)
N.B: All applicants for Bachelor of Laws (LAW & LAE) MUST have sat and passed the Pre-Entry Examinations set by Makerere University.
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